Count me in, that's exactly what we want to achieve with the emergency service 
application in the long term, we are miles away from that goals, but one of the 
next steps is trying to automatically drive ambulances and add natural 
disasters to the situation.
I will look forward to the Mythic game project, probably to stole some ideas or 
to help with something there.

- CTO @
- MyJourney @
- Co-Founder @
- Mauricio "Salaboy" Salatino -

On 10/01/2011, at 20:11, Mark Proctor <> wrote:

> "In this project, we describe the design decisions and principles behind 
> the arti cial intelligence (AI) for a multiplayer online role playing 
> game, and our use of an expert system to implement it. We explain how we 
> organize AI rules into les, how those rules are assembled from a 
> database, how AI is assigned to entities, the di erent types of AI, the 
> di erent phases of AI, and how we manage facts used by AI. We also 
> review some of the history behind the Mythic project, where it is 
> headed, what an expert system is and why we chose to use one for our 
> project. The result of our project is a design that allows us to have 
> diverse AI behavior and exibility to reuse code to create new behaviors, 
> but may prove to be ineffcient if implemented on systems with many 
> players or many instances of AI running."
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