We had a repository done with 5.2.M2. 

We had exported this in a xml, and import this xml in a new 5.2.Final version 

We don't use the classes below (at least not intentionnaly), we simply try to 
get the source (from Guvnor URL) or "compile" a package (from t he package 

Is there a way to use org.drools.ide.common.server.util.RepositoryUpgradeHelper 
to convert the repository explicitely ? 

----- Mail original -----

De: "Michael Anstis" <michael.ans...@gmail.com> 
À: "Rules Users List" <rules-users@lists.jboss.org> 
Envoyé: Mardi 12 Juillet 2011 17:39:00 
Objet: Re: [rules-users] repository in 5.2.M2 crashes in 5.2.Final because of 
decision table serialization 

How are you loading and compiling the dtable? 

Guvnor uses org.drools.ide.common.server.util.GuidedDTXMLPersistence to convert 
XML to and from the object model. 

This in turn uses org.drools.ide.common.server.util.RepositoryUpgradeHelper to 
convert from GuidedDecisionTable to GuidedDecisionTable52. 

We had to make some essential changes for Guvnor 5.2 to support CEP operators 
on the guided decision table. 

With kind regards, 


2011/7/12 Vincent LEGENDRE < vincent.legen...@eurodecision.com > 

Hi all 


We tried to use the 5.2.Final version of Guvnor, but the compilation fails with 
an error saying that class "dtable" does not exists. 

After looking more depply, it appears that the XML storage format has changed 
in 5.2.Final : 

- root XML is now " decision-table52 " instead of "dtable" 

- pattern is now " org.drools.guvnor.client.modeldriven.dt52.Pattern52 " with 
some condition-column grouped by fact, instead of independant condition-column 

- actions is now " insert-fact-column 52" instead of the same thing without 
version in it, but this time no structure changes ... 


Is there a way to migrate old tables to new format ? 

Changing a repository.xml by subtitutions is OK ? 

Do we have to plan such problems for future versions ? 

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