This quote is from the current version of "Fusion":

"The above example declares an expiration offset of 30 minutes for
StockTick events. After that time, assuming no rule still needs the
event, the engine will expire and remove the event from the session

The catch is, as you may have noticed, the clause: "assuming no rule
still needs the event". Whatever this means...

An educated guess for interpretation for "a rule needs an event" would
be "a partially or fully completed activation of a rule holds a
reference to an event". But, since the author hasn't added this
explanation, it might be something else.


On 28/05/2012, Matteo Cusmai <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> i have noticed a strange behavior, but i am not sure that i depend on
> drools or depend by my bad knowledge of it.
> I am using drools fusion and i have a lot of classes with role event. I
> have put them the expiration value to 5 minutes.
> >From my understanding, if i use explicit expiration, as i do, when it pass
> 5 minutes and that event is out of scope of all my rules, that event is
> deleted.
> But, i noticed that the last event hasn't retracted after 5 minutes and
> this behavior makes the system no stable, because it works differently
> after some minutes.
> If i don't use explicit expiration, the system seems to work fine, so i am
> however happy, but i would like to understand the issue.
> Thanks a lot,
> Matteo.
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