I have a few ideas that I've been tossing around that may fix some of these issues:

(1) ML-style expression |if|. So |if| as an expression would be written |if cond then expr else expr|, while statement-if would remain the same. The expressions aren't braced and the first is preceded by |then|, which avoids the ambiguity between expression-if and statement-if. CoffeeScript uses the same trick to disambiguate between the two forms. This could replace the ternary as well.

(2) Remove expression-while, expression-do-while and expression-for; make them statements. These don't have useful completion values, except for maybe expression-do-while... but that is a rare construct.

The above two points should eliminate the "statement-that-ends-in-} precedes index or call op" ambiguity. It also makes |while (true) { 1 }| no longer allowed.

(3) Ignore trailing semicolons, just as in OCaml. In other words, the final expression of a block may be followed by a ';'. This avoids a common hazard (the fact that ';' changes the return value) which newcomers to Rust tend to stumble over.

(4) Make |ret| a statement, avoiding the "if ret { ... }" ambiguity.

(5) Make |fail| a function in the standard library, or at least require mandatory parentheses around its argument.

The above two mini-proposals should eliminate the "if expr-that-takes-an-optional-operand {" ambiguity.


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