On 9/14/11 11:10 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:
Fair enough; if others don't like separate expression and statement
forms, I'd vote for |val| for block-expression, without the |res| (it's
an interesting idea, but I'm not sure it's necessary -- maybe something
to think about for future versions?) I suspect |val| will be rare.

Come to think of it, this actually solves an ugliness in C++: the "artificial block" pattern used when you want to run a destructor at some specified time. You see stuff like this in C++:

            auto_ptr<some_big_data_structure> ptr =
            cout << ptr.to_string();
            // I want the pointer immediately destroyed here

But the artificial blocks look pretty ugly. With |val| (or |do|) we could make it nicer:

        do {
            let ptr = ~make_big_data_structure();
            log ptr;
            // I want the pointer immediately destroyed here

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