On 03/12/2011 3:41 PM, Brian Anderson wrote:

With regard to the large vs. small std question, I'm beginning to agree
with marijn (and I think patrick) that it would be better to have many
small crates, and make rustc/cargo powerful enough to locate them
automatically and add them to the compilation with little effort
(primarily because of mobile considerations). I do think we want to
provide these as 'standard' libraries, just not a single stdlib.

Plausible. Keep in mind there are limitations:

  - A cross-crate call cannot inline.
  - A cross-crate call isn't even just direct! It's indirect
    through a PLT table on linux or import-table on windows.
  - A cross-crate definition can't be recursive.

In general, my experience has been that projects that start with the "lots of little DLLs" approach tend towards "one big DLL" over time.

Actually, now that I stare at it, the no-inlining issue might make the core/std split a pretty bad idea at this point. Maybe sometime in the future if we get crate-to-crate inline exports done.

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