On Thu, Dec 22, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Patrick Walton <pwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> How about inferring the type of unadorned literals only, and allow an "i"
> suffix to force regular int interpretation? That way the programmer is free
> to make the judgment call of readability of code vs. clarity of intent
> herself.
> We could also potentially investigate making the machine integer types
> have shorter suffixes. There are plenty of letters to go around.

As a game engine and numerics nerd I could see spraying '_f32' or '_f80'
everywhere getting old fast too. Repurposing 'f' to mean 'f32' would be a
nice olive branch to C programmers (with type checking to catch when you
forget it!), especially when current '1f' can just as well be written '1.' .

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