On Feb 4, 2012, at 1:17 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:

> On 02/04/2012 06:21 AM, Arne Döring wrote:
>> The second suggestion is concerning tho #fmt macro. #fmt works like
>> printf, but its string is parsed at compile time, so that errors might
>> be thrown when the string is incorrect. So when you unwind this format
>> string at compile time, you know also all variable names and their
>> types from scope. So it might be more natural to directly import
>> variable names from the scope inside of the String, like it is done in
>> many scripting languages. This is also done in tho Programming
>> language Nemerle.
> Well, #fmt is a macro, and I would generally be opposed to macros implicitly 
> capturing the local variables in scope -- that's unhygienic.

I don't quite understand Arne's description, but I don't see anything 
unhygienic about it either.


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