Having recently read a considerable amount of code in SpiderMonkey and
quite a bit in various parts of the Rust compiler, I can attest to
strong use of abbreviated names making things much harder to

While Tim is right about documentation helping with that, I agree with
Patrick that that just doesn't scale indefinitely. Also, at least for
me, the additional burden of keeping a translation table in my head
makes a surprisingly big difference in my ability to parse code and
figure out its semantics quickly.

The bottom line is that I don't think it's just a matter of taste:
it's a usability issue. Maybe not the biggest one, but certainly not a
small one, either.

On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Niko Matsakis <n...@alum.mit.edu> wrote:
> This is interesting.  When I first started working on the Rust compiler, I
> very much enjoyed the Unix-like, abbreviated names.  However, I have to
> admit that reading Patrick's resolve3 code is making me ashamed of the code
> I've written lately.  I plan to go back and "verbos-ify" some of my code.  I
> do think it helps with readability overall, though it is definitely true
> that if names are unnecessarily long (e.g., `ty_param_bounds_and_ty` or
> `optional_interface`) they can become distracting.  Also, our 78-character
> limit starts to become more of a burden.
> Niko
> On 7/17/12 2:39 PM, Patrick Walton wrote:
>> On 7/17/12 2:23 PM, Elliott Slaughter wrote:
>>> Now imagine that third-party Rust libraries follow this example. Now
>>> I have to learn abbreviations for every library I use in my
>>> application. If for any reason I need to modify a third party library
>>> for my own purposes, I'll need to learn its internal abbreviations as
>>> well.
>>> Should we really be using short name everywhere? And if not, how do
>>> we encourage people to use readable names, given the example we are
>>> providing in the standard library?
>> Agreed. I personally prefer longer, unabbreviated names (and camel-cased
>> types) in user code for this reason. Keywords are a small fixed set of
>> things that all users of the language must know, while user code contains an
>> unbounded number of abbreviations in the limit. See resolve3 for an example
>> of this (although perhaps my names are *too* long there...)
>> In general I'm not a big fan of Unix-command-line-style abbreviation. It
>> works and is elegant when programs are kept very small, but as programs grow
>> larger and larger programmers have to page in and out abbreviations too
>> often for easy reading. Functions like CreateOrRecycleThebesLayer() and
>> UpdateDisplayItemDataForFrame() in Gecko may be lengthy, but they sure make
>> digging through MXR easier.
>> Unix was forced to abbreviate for the 6 character limit, but that doesn't
>> exist anymore. In fact, modern Plan 9 code doesn't abbreviate nearly as
>> often as we do; they just pick short names. Take esc.c (just as an example)
>> from Go:
>> http://code.google.com/p/go/source/browse/src/cmd/gc/esc.c
>> We have escapes(), visit(), visitcodelist(), visitcode(), analyze(),
>> escfunc(), escloopdepthlist(), escloopdepth(), esclist(), esc(),
>> escassign(), esccall(), escflows(), escflood(), escwalk(), and esctag(). If
>> we assume that the "esc" prefix is just C namespacing, then the only
>> *abbreviation* there is "func". The rest are just short names. The resulting
>> code reads much nicer than the Rust code in our compiler. Short names are
>> fine and read well; abbreviations don't.
>> (In fact, I prefer unabbreviated keywords in general; I'd prefer "return",
>> "module", and "match", but I'm happy to yield to the tastes of the community
>> and BDFL here, since I feel that abbreviated keywords have a much smaller
>> cost than abbreviated user code.)
>> Patrick
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