On Apr 25, 2013, at 7:04 AM, Graydon Hoare wrote:

> On 13-04-24 11:39 PM, Lindsey Kuper wrote:
>> On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 1:25 AM, Patrick Walton <pwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> I have an untested grammar for Rust here,
>>> with the token regexes not yet filled in:
>>> https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5457664
>>> yapps2 reports that this grammar is LL(1).
>>> Note that the refactorings I made resulted in a grammar which isn't that
>>> great for tooling or parsing in many places. In particular the contortions
>>> needed to make `self_ty_and_maybenamed_args` result in an AST that combines
>>> the self type and the type of the first argument together in bizarre ways.
>>> Since this is untested, I'm sure there are bugs, but it's probably a good
>>> sign that I could at least refactor the grammar to what I think is LL(1).
>> This is really cool, but I'm sort of confused about the apparent
>> multiple ongoing efforts toward having a precise and machine-readable
>> Rust grammar.  Should we consider one of these the "real" grammar?
> This is a translation of the one John just finished (which was for antlr4, a 
> very flexible "any LL(k)" grammar) into input for yapps2, which (as far as I 
> know) has the distinguishing features of being-in-python and 
> being-able-to-tell-us-about-LL(1)-conflicts. I believe it's still the "same" 
> grammar as John did, just massaged to target a different tool. At some point 
> I'd like a library that can consume/emit the 97 different equivalent dialects 
> of EBNF used by different tools, so we can do this sort of exercise a little 
> more readily.
> In any case that is (as far as I know) the only multiplicity of grammars 
> floating about. The previous attempt here was one I made, targeting 
> llnextgen, but it was abandoned mid-way-through (the results of which are 
> currently on display in the reference manual).

FWIW, I'm (mildly) concerned too.  In particular, I'm disappointed to discover 
that in its present form (and using my present caveman-like invocation style), 
ANTLR parses source files so slowly that it's impossible to use directly as a 
validation tool; I would very much like to directly validate the grammar used 
for documentation purposes against the existing sources.  I haven't yet asked 
for help from the ANTLR folks, because I don't yet feel like I've finished due 
diligence on RTFMing ANTLR, which I would prefer to do before dumping the 
problem in their lap.


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