On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 12:01 AM, James Tranovich
<ja...@openhorizonlabs.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> What can I do to help make rusti "halfway tolerable"?
> Not to belabor the point, but rusti definitely needs some love -- my git
> version of rusti as of one or two days ago always crashes with
> "memory_region::~memory_region(): Assertion `false' failed." It will return
> the evaluated expression correctly before that, though, most of the time.

That's one I haven't seen yet.  Can you file a bug tagged with A-rusti?

> I stopped before diving into that particular rabbit hole, because it seems
> that rusti might need a more invasive and "proper" fix.

I think you're right that we may need to rethink the whole approach to
rusti.  Right now, it literally just takes the user's input, wraps it
in a main function that it gins up, and JITs that.  For example, "let
x = 3;" will produce a "warning: unused variable: `x`" error, which
would be great if you were compiling `fn main() { let x = 3; }` but
hardly the right behavior for a REPL.

> Just wondering what the general plan of attack was and if there was anything
> I could do to help.

We have a plan to make a plan, but no plan yet.  But an obvious
problem that we can do something about at the moment is that there are
no tests for rusti (https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/5469),
which astrieanna and I are (slowly) working on fixing.

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