Hi Rusties,

Allow me to present the status of our ongoing quest to rewrite the task scheduler, along with the major work items remaining. The results so far are encouraging but there is a very large amount of work left, particularly regarding I/O. In addition to myself we'll have two interns working on these areas this summer, but we could use more help still. This is an especially good opportunity to influence the way I/O works in Rust. I'm hoping that we will cut over to the new scheduler in June, but expect that crucial I/O-related work will continue for most of the year.

At the moment we have a multithreaded task scheduler that integrates non-blocking TCP built on top of libuv. So far it uses a very basic scheduling strategy that employs several contended locks, but most of the components of the full algorithm are in place, just waiting to be filled in. It is expected that once we're done the entire scheduler will be lock-free. Besides the aforementioned locking it also allocates far too much at the moment but that's not a limitation of the design. As far as the scheduler goes I have not run into any major surprises and still expect it to be significantly more efficient than the current one. The biggest concern about scheduling is that our requirements force our scheduler to do more synchronization than specified by the work stealing algorithm alone. Whereas the literature describes work stealing as only synchronizing on the work stealing deque, we also have message passing between schedulers and a mechanism to put individual schedulers that can't find work to sleep and wake them later, both of which require further synchronization. This expense can be mitigated in some cases, but not all.

As I've been working on the scheduler I have begun separating the task and its services from the coroutine task scheduler with the intent that we can have Rust tasks that are not green threads but instead regular threads with no userspace scheduling overhead at all. This has ripple effects throughout the standard library, particularly with the concurrency primitives, and I don't expect this to reach feature parity with green thread tasks for a long time, but removing the green thread requirement allows us to make a stronger case still for being a true 'systems language'.

Most of my work on the I/O stack has been in specifying the main I/O traits and building up the multi-layer interface between the public-facing I/O library and libuv. I think I've sufficiently proven the strategy of using the scheduler to convert async I/O to sync I/O, but there's a whole lot more to implement and there are a number of outstanding design problems to solve. We've previously discussed here how I/O should do [error handling]. The feedback in that thread was great, but it is not yet reflected in the current implementation. I have though introduced a `read_error` condition specifically for the `read` method and all extensions that build upon it, but it is not fleshed out.

What worries me the most about the entire endeavour is 'select'. We have great need for some facility to wait on multiple types of events (particularly I/O and ports) simultaneously, but the requirements can be rather complex (detailed later). I am not sure that the old unix 'select' function (as we used in pipes) is the best abstraction for this and feel we need to do further research on this topic. I would like to start prototyping something here soon.

I've previously done two experiments with microbenchmarks of TCP [read performance] and single-threaded [scheduling performance] and claimed that the results were encouraging. Of course things will change a lot as we implement multi-threading and move on to better benchmarks. I'm maintaining a selection of comparative [benchmarks] in an external repo that are currently a bit out of date.

I don't know that I recommend using the new scheduler yet for purposes other than scheduler development, but it can be turned on by setting the RUST_NEWRT environment variable. At the moment this will set up a single-threaded scheduler only but I'll soon convert this to a multi-threaded scheduler. For simple programs you shouldn't see any difference in execution, but some library features are still busted. Last I checked 95% of the run-pass tests succeeded with RUST_NEWRT set.

The [main issue] for the entire scheduler rewrite is #4419. Within that one there is a description of the design and links to other related topics.

[error handling]: https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2013-April/003746.html [read performance]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/pull/6313#issuecomment-17577510 [scheduling performance]: https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/rust-dev/2013-May/004127.html
[benchmarks]: https://github.com/brson/rust-sched-bench
[main issue]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/4419

The remainder of this email describes the most significant remaining work items.

## Add remaining implementations of I/O traits

core::rt::io defines several traits for synchronous I/O, including Reader and Writer. We have a non-blocking TCP implementation in core::rt::io::net::tcp but that's it. We need non-blocking implementations for files, UDP, unix pipes, then also blocking implementations of the same, based not on uv, but on plain file descriptors and sockets.


## Design string encoding and decoding for Reader/Writer traits

How do we deal with string encoding of I/O? The existing implementation uses extension methods on Readers and Writers, but this is not sufficient because it doesn't maintain any state. Need a better understanding of the requirements here, but these might involve new decorator types.


## Design and implement some solution for select / async events

We need a way to efficiently wait on multiple types of events at once, including port receives, I/O reads, socket accepts, timers. This has some very complicated requirements to satisfy, as detailed in the linked issue, and I'm not sure what the right abstractions are here. This is super important and the biggest risk to the whole effort. If anybody has opinions about this topic I would love to hear them.


## Make I/O threadsafe

I/O types must perform I/O on the scheduler on which they were created, but they are also sendable. This means that when we perform I/O we must check that we are on the correct scheduler, and if not then reschedule the running task. This complexity also infects 'select' and could conceivably lead to some untenable situations at runtime that can do nothing but `fail!`.


## stdin/out/err

Need to create non-blocking access to the global resources stdin/stdout/stderr. Currently I'm thinking these will be Readers and Writers backed by ports, with some protocol for obtaining exclusive access.


## Port existing core::io users to core::rt::io::native

In preparation for removing core::io we need to start porting existing users to the blocking implementations (which don't yet exist) of the new I/O API. This will involve identifying and porting missing features and completing various other I/O tasks.


## Lock free data structures

There are several concurrent data structures used in the scheduler that are currently implemented with locks and need to be reimplemented without because they are heavily contended. The easiest of these are the MessageQueue and the SleeperList. MessageQueue is a multiple-producer, single-consumer unbounded queue used for sending messages between schedulers. SleeperList is a multiple-producer, multiple-consumer bounded stack used to track which schedulers are 'asleep'.


## Work stealing

Multithreading is currently not implemented using work stealing, but instead using a shared work queue. Adding work stealing will require converting WorkQueue to a deque and adding the 'thief' phase of the work stealing algorithm to the scheduler. Locating work queues to steal from will involve creating further lock-free data structures. Some ideas are outlined on the issue tracker.

James Miller has an implementation of a lock free deque that we can use for this. Multiple people have interest in this topic so let's make sure we coordinate.


## Implement stack growth

We need to make the new tasks support segmented stacks. For the most part this will involve copying lots of fiddly bits from the previous implementation, but I want to make the caching story in this implementation simpler, with each scheduler having a single stack pool, instead of having some of the stacks originate in the scheduler and some in the task. This will be easier once fast_ffi is finished, but it will likely require adding a new attribute to LLVM to suppress the segmented stack function prologue.


## Remove the old scheduler

We can probably get this done relatively soon. There are some features not implemented yet and some unimplemented features that we can just drop, at least temporarily (pipes select). This can be done even before finishing I/O, since the blocking core::io will continue working fine.


## Implement a simple HTTP client/server library

I really want to be able to demonstrate a fast and convenient HTTP library.


If you've read this far then thanks for your time. I'm giving you a virtual high five!


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