> ## Design and implement some solution for select / async events
> We need a way to efficiently wait on multiple types of events at once,
> including port receives, I/O reads, socket accepts, timers. This has some
> very complicated requirements to satisfy, as detailed in the linked issue,
> and I'm not sure what the right abstractions are here. This is super
> important and the biggest risk to the whole effort. If anybody has opinions
> about this topic I would love to hear them.
> https://github.com/mozilla/**rust/issues/6842<https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/6842>
Hi Brian,

So you mention .NET asyncs in the linked issue...  The .NET way of doing
this is to have functions that initiate async operation and return a
future.  You then explicitly wait for that future to resolve.  If several
asyncs need to be done concurrently, you start them all, then pass a list
of futures to a helper function that returns another future, which resolves
when all underlying futures had resolved.  Another helper function allows
to wait until any one of the futures resolves.  Putting all this together
(loosely translating C# into Rust), you'd write something like this:

let operations = [start_operation1(), start_operation2(), ...];
let timer = sleep(timeout); // returns future that resolves after the
specified timeout expires

let top_level_future = resolve_when_any( [resolve_when_all(operations),
timer] );

await top_level_future; // wait until the future has been resolved.

if (timer.is_complete())
   // we timed out
  // all operations completed (or failed) before timer has expired

Composition of futures works out pretty nicely, however it also has
1. The simple case of a single blocking i/o operation now looks like this
"result = await(start_operatoin())" instead of just "result = operation()"
.NET solves this by providing both synchronous and asynchronous variants of
each operation in most cases.
2. Each i/o operation now needs to allocate heap memory for the future
object.   This has been known to create GC performance problems for .NET
web apps which process large numbers of small requests.  If these can live
on the stack, though, maybe this wouldn't be a problem for Rust.

As a side note, your list doesn't have anything regarding cancellation of
async operations.  In the example above you'd probably want to attempt to
cancel outstanding i/o operations when timeout expires.  .NET provides
standard infrastructure for this, and I think that Rust will need one too.

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