On Fri, Jun 7, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Sebastian Sylvan
<sebastian.syl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The linked article contrasts them with the GoF-style iterators as well.
> The Rust Iterator trait is similar to the "one pass ranges" (and possibly
> forward ranges), but not double-ended ranges or random-access ranges. It's
> the *family* of range-based iterators that makes it flexible (e.g. allowing
> you to write an efficient in-place reverse without knowing the underlying
> data structure, using a double-ended range).
> See fig. 3:
> http://www.informit.com/content/images/art_alexandrescu3_iterators/elementLinks/alexandrescu3_fig03.jpg

The extent to which you can have mutable iterators in Rust is pretty
small, because of the memory safety requirement. Iterators can't open
up a hole allowing multiple mutable references to the same object to
be obtained, so I don't think mutable bidirectional or random access
iterators are possible.

Forward iterators can't ever give you an alias because they're a
single pass over the container. It's an easy guarantee to provide.
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