On 12/06/13 15:58, Niko Matsakis wrote:
I imagine that `for <expr> |<pat>| { <body> }` would be syntactic sugar

     let mut _iterator_ = <expr>;
     loop {
         let <pat> = match _iterator_.next() {
             None => break,
             Some(v) => v

I think this is great. It is a more intuitive rewriting than the current for-loop (where it is not even obvious whether for-loops could be rewritten without compiler magic).

Arguably retaining the current `for` syntax suggests closures where
none exist, but it seems silly to change it and invalidate all
existing programs for this reason (I imagine `for <pat> in <expr>`
would be the more standard syntax).

I don't feel strongly but I think I would prefer `for <pat> in <expr> { ... }` because it looks different to a closure and also because it gets rid of two |. My rust code breaks every time I get the latest incoming anyway - and it is a pretty mechanical change.

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