On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 10:39 PM, Jack Moffitt <j...@metajack.im> wrote:
> I saw https://github.com/mozilla/rust/pull/7779 come up today and
> commented on it. I got to thinking about it some, and since the bug
> doesn't seem the right place for such discussion, I wanted to bring it
> up here.
> The PR proposes to rename print!() and println!() to printf!() and
> printfln!(). The original macros exist to replace uses of print() and
> println() that look like: println(fmt!("blah blah %s", s));
> Having a good default way to print things is very important, and it's
> one of the first things people will see of the language. I think it's
> worth bikeshedding it a bit to see if we can't come up with something
> better than the status quo.
> I propose instead:
> 1) Do away with the formatting stuff as the default. print!() and
> println!() should just take a variable number of arguments, and each
> one should be printed in its default string representation with a
> space between each one. This is how Clojure's (and Python's?) print
> and println work.
> This would change code like this: println!("The result is %f", foo);
> to this: println!("The result is", foo)
> It's much easier. There are no formatting codes to remember and it
> does exaclty what you want in most cases. Consider: println!(a, ,b, c,
> "d=", d); This seems great for the standard printf-style debugging.
> If formatting is needed, it's easy to get to:
> println!("My name is",  name, "and I scored", fmt!("%0.2f", score));
> 2) Since println!() is likely to be used the most often, I feel like
> it should have a shorter name. Ie, we should call it just print!(),
> and have a newline-less version with a different name, or perhaps a
> different style of invocation of the macro.
> As some data to ponder, I went through the Servo code and all its 
> dependencies:
> - The dependencies of servo use println 42 times, 24 of which also use
> fmt!(). None of these need to use fmt!() at all, they could just use
> the default string representation.
> - Servo itself uses println about 10 times, only two of which need
> fmt!(). These two uses are both fancy formatted output for the
> profiler.
> Changing all these uses to print!() in the codebase (aside from the
> two profiler fmt!()s) would make things much nicer looking.
> jack.

Without format strings as the primary way to do output, I think we'll
fall down really short on the ability to do internationalization.
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