That is a really good article and a very valid point.

Writing down all the feedback for future reference in my development.

Thanks FF,

On 13 September 2013 17:13, Flaper87 <> wrote:

> 2013/9/13 Luis de Bethencourt <>
>> Cool!
>> Great and awesome feedback. The summary is that Joda-Time is what we
>> should aspire to have.
>> My goal is to first cover the "most common use cases", and as Corey says,
>> "easy to use correctly".
>> After that I can start considering the corner cases like bya and mya.
>> Which sound very fun and interesting, but not high priority.
>> Hopefully by then I won't be too consumed by the question of what is Time.
> Another thing that I'd like to see there is a good handling of TZs. Many
> datetime libraries got that wrong. Here's a blog post Armin wrote that may
> be helpful.
> Thanks for taking care of this.
> FF
> --
> Flavio (@flaper87) Percoco
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