On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 9:34 PM, Gábor Lehel <illiss...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi list,
> This is meant as a followup to an earlier thread[1] on the subject and the
> related ticket[2].
> [1]: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.rust.devel/2622/
> [2]: https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/6974
> The idea in those earlier discussions is that methods could also be called
> using function syntax, supplying `self` as the first argument, so instead
> of `self_arg.method(arg)`, you could write `method(self_arg, arg)`. I'm
> wondering if this could be taken a couple steps further to simplify the
> whole story regarding functions, methods, traits, and impls. The idea is
> that the distiction between functions and methods would be erased almost
> completely, and methods (now being just functions) would be imported
> explicitly.
> It would involve the following pieces:
>  - If the first argument of a top-level `fn` is named `self`, it can be
> called using method syntax. So if you have `fn foo(self: &MyType, n: int)
> { .. }` at the top level, you can write `object_of_my_type.foo(123)`. You
> can also still call it using function syntax: `foo(object_of_my_type, 123)`.

I see no reason for the restriction of "self". Why not simply say that any
function can be called with "first_arg.func(...)" style ?

Regarding the idea in general, I like the elegance that such harmonization

-- Matthieu

>  - Anonymous `impl`s could then be removed in favor of such top-level
> `fn`s. Alternately, they could be kept as syntactic sugar for the same
> thing.
>  - Just as the distinction between functions and anonymous-impl methods
> would be erased, the distinction between trait methods and associated
> functions would also be erased. A function declared inside a trait would
> exist in module scope, just like top-level `fn`s. Just like other
> functions, you could call it using method syntax if the first argument is
> named `self`, or using function syntax either way.
>  - The existing syntax for `self` arguments could then be removed.
> Alternately, it could be kept as syntactic sugar (`?self` becoming `self:
> ?T`, where `?` is any sigil or none).
>  - Now that everything is a top-level `fn`, they would be imported
> explicitly, like they (and all other things) already are. Here we can
> remove the restriction on methods needing to be declared in the same
> module/crate as their `self` type.
>  - Functions can be called using method syntax only if they are declared
> in, or imported into, the current scope directly. In other words, if you
> could call them using function syntax unqualified.
>  - If a method call is ambiguous, you would have the following options to
> resolve it:
>    (a) Tweak your imports so that only the method you want is in scope.
>    (b) Import the method under a different name instead.
>    (c) Use function call syntax instead with an explicit module qualifier.
> Again, more or less the same options you have with any non-method item in
> the current language.
> Disadvantages of this scheme:
>  - More typing. (Explicit imports for one; if sugar is removed, then that
> as well.)
> Advantages:
>  - Simplicity and transparency. The special rules and language constructs
> for declaring and importing methods would go away. Methods would work the
> same way as other things do.
>  - Correspondingly, you would also have better control over which methods
> are imported and invoked.
>  - You could declare methods for any type in any crate or module, without
> having to create extraneous traits, which I feel is a wart in the current
> language. Traits could then be used for abstraction only, which I feel is
> their correct purpose.
>  - Because methods would just be module-scope functions, they could be
> referred to as values (e.g. as arguments to higher-order functions) without
> a lambda shim.
>  - I was confused at one point because `&self` looks a lot like a pattern
> match, but is not one. That could go away.
>  - The current difficulties with generic methods (`impl<T: Foo> T { .. }`
> in the current language) might, or might not, be reduced. (I don't know of
> any similar issues with generic top-level functions, but they might
> resurface if called as methods).
>  - The significance of the argument named `self` could also potentially be
> removed, instead allowing the first argument to be used as the
> self-argument in a method call, no matter what it's called. This would
> allow for pattern matching on the self-argument in the definition of the
> method, which is currently not possible.
> Hope this is helpful or interesting,
> Gábor
> --
> Your ship was destroyed in a monadic eruption.
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