Thanks John, for the friendly email. :-)

> The choice of the Rust team to adopt a C++-like syntax was very deliberate, 
> and I'm confident that the members of this team still believe that was the 
> right choice.

I wonder, right for what reason? Do they actually *like* it? I wrote a lot of 
code in C++ back in the day. Can't touch the stuff anymore. *shudders*

Or is it 'right' because it's familiar to C++ developers?

I should have mentioned Java in my original post to the list.

Java is relevant for a few reasons:

1. It has been around for a long time.
2. It's quite popular.
3. It's C-like, familiar, and attempts to implement some safety into the 
4. Its syntax is fairly simple (compared to C++).

And most significantly of all:

5. It has gone through some significant syntactic changes, _years_ after being 
well established and well known.

For example, Java 1.5 added Generics to the language (a simplified version of 
C++ templates).

The recent Java has added anonymous functions (lambdas).

Other well established languages have also made significant changes to their 
syntax well after their first birthday. Objective-C, for example, added 
properties and Automatic Reference Counting in with it turned 2.0.

It also added syntax for various literals (arrays, maps, etc.):

So, given the history of these well established languages, I think there's 
still plenty of opportunity for change with Rust. More so, in fact, due to its 
alpha status. It's easier to remove syntax while a language is young, and Rust 
is still very young.

> With that said, though, Rust is a new and exciting language; if you can think 
> of improvements, try coding them up and see what you get! In my experience, 
> the Rust developers are always happy to hear from volunteers who are excited 
> about the language and have concrete pull requests. If you had the energy to 
> build an alternate front-end using a parenthesized syntax, I'm sure there are 
> others that would give it a try. Me, for instance!

I'd love to, but zero time at the moment. :-(

Also, I'm not simply advocating a parenthesis-based syntax (though that would 
be *awesome*!). I think the present syntax is malleable and can be simplified 
and improved while retaining its C-ness for the sake of developers who haven't 
quite yet expanded their minds... :-p


Please do not email me anything that you are not comfortable also sharing with 
the NSA.

On Nov 11, 2013, at 6:12 PM, John Clements <> wrote:

> On Nov 11, 2013, at 1:07 PM, Greg wrote:
>>> I don't think Rust can succeed as a language if it massively differs,
>>> visually, from the language it intends to offset (C++).
>> Yes, I agree, and that's why I wrote:
>>      "By this point, I'm aware that this is unlikely to happen."
> ...
>> However, during those many years, did any of the brains that were involved 
>> in designing the syntax seriously consider Clojure's syntax, or Typed 
>> Clojure?
>> I'm almost certain that the answer is "no" (partly because these 
>> languages/dialects did not exist at the time).
>> What about Lua, which is more C-like?
>> Or CoffeeScript?
> Greg, thanks for your comments!
> In fact, nearly all of the designers of Rust are deeply familiar with the 
> syntactic conventions of these and other languages.  Speaking only for 
> myself, I come from Racket, and I'm a strong proponent of fully parenthesized 
> syntaxes.
> But! 
> Rust is not that language.  As you suggest (and others confirm), that train 
> left the station long, long ago. The choice of the Rust team to adopt a 
> C++-like syntax was very deliberate, and I'm confident that the members of 
> this team still believe that was the right choice.
> With that said, though, Rust is a new and exciting language; if you can think 
> of improvements, try coding them up and see what you get! In my experience, 
> the Rust developers are always happy to hear from volunteers who are excited 
> about the language and have concrete pull requests. If you had the energy to 
> build an alternate front-end using a parenthesized syntax, I'm sure there are 
> others that would give it a try. Me, for instance!
> All the best,
> John Clements

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