On 2013-11-13 11:45, Daniel Micay wrote:
> Before getting right into the gritty details about why I think we should think

Very interesting video about the kernel (in future) perhaps interacting
more closesly with user-space about scheduling decisions and threads,
thus reducing overhead and perhaps eliminating the *need* for M:N.

Having said that, M:N seems to work for Haskell where they recently
showed near-perfect scalability to 42 cores for a web server (beating
out nginx and apache handily, even on absolute numbers). For the life of
me I can't find the PDF/paper reference right now, but I'll try to
follow up with a proper reference. Perhaps there's some magical
properties of Haskell with make that less problematic than for Rust, but...

Anyway, of course we all *hope* that tricks like M:N won't be necessary
in the future, but how soon can we hope that the future arrives? ;)


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