after reading this doc, I would love to have:
- have a link at the bottom page to the github project
- submit one or several pullrequest
- doc is magically updated.

I'm investigating on this matter to ease documentation. That's is quite
interesting, because in my everyday job (I'm a python developer for a
buildbot derived project) I'm in a "write tools to ease code documentation
and user manual maintainance" mood :)



2013/11/15 Daniel Micay <>

> On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 7:46 AM, spir <> wrote:
> > I'm exploring the tutorial "Rust for Rubyists" at
> > [], which in fact is not
> (only)
> > for rubyists, as stated in the introduction. Looks pretty good to me
> (just
> > my opinion), should definitely be pointed to from the Rust Docs page at
> > [], and in good place. As a
> > tutorial, it is in my view far better than the "official" one, and is
> > up-to-date (Rust 0.8), so maybe even just replace it; with a warning
> note.
> >
> > The "official" tutorial is not a bad doc in itself (I guess) but is
> > definitely not a _tutorial_: in fact, it requires quite a knowledge of
> Rust,
> > its fundamental concepts and jargon. "Rust for Rubyists" certainly has
> room
> > for improvement, but it _is_ for sure a tutorial. I would definitely
> suggest
> > to start writing a new official tutorial by using "Rust for Rubyists" as
> raw
> > material. A first pass may be to make it slightly more general, just
> > requiring prior programming experience; Rust definitely is not a language
> > for programming novices, anyway.
> >
> > Denis
> The tutorial is currently quite flawed and has ended up being a list
> of language features with overviews and low quality examples. Parts of
> it are approaching the right level of information, but it's not
> written in the style expected of a tutorial.
> I think it's very important to cover the core language features like
> boxes and references at a high level. The unique and least
> approachable features need great introductory coverage. I recently
> replaced the old sections on owned boxes, vectors and strings, so any
> concrete feedback on those would be helpful.
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