On 15/11/13 15:59, Daniel Micay wrote:

> It's gets across most of the information, but it doesn't have a very
> compelling flow of examples. It teaches how to use language features
> rather than walking through building something with those features.
> For example, the sections on owned boxes and borrowed pointers could
> be done by walking through the implementation of a singly-linked list.
> It's incredibly hard to actually do this without using too many
> features before they've been introduced.

Exactly my point.

Marijn (hey Marijn!!!), nobody "hates" your tutorial. It's an excellent
document, but made for programming language specialists with an already
quite advanced level. My comment was an optimization comment only:
tweaking a bit the way examples are chosen and designed, and explaining
better some complex vocabularies, it will attract more people to Rust
and will help smoothing the learning curve. That's all.


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