The for-loop and the nested function declaration are both interesting and I'll let you know which one I choose after further investigation in the Rust compiler.

If some of you have other ideas, please do not hesitate.

Best regards,
Pierre Talbot

On 11/30/2013 08:24 PM, Benjamin Striegel wrote:
Currently our `for` loops are implemented strangely. In essence, right now a `for` loop is just syntax sugar that gets expanded during the parsing stage. This was easy to implement, but it means that our error messages around `for` loops are strange and it limits our ability to do more intelligent things, like so:

for i in [1,2,3] { // currently we can't do this, you need to write out `[1,2,3].iter()`

If you could implement `for` loops in the "proper" way, it would be a great boon to us. However, I'm not the one who really knows exactly what the "proper" way is. :) And I wasn't able to find an issue in the bug tracker for this with any details. Perhaps Daniel Micay (strcat) could elaborate.

On Sat, Nov 30, 2013 at 1:41 PM, Pierre Talbot < <>> wrote:

    Hello folks,

    I'm a French student finishing his study this year and a teacher
    gave us a project to finish by the end of the year which is to
    modify (or add) a small feature to an existing interpreter (or
    compiler, language,...) such as a primitive or a control structure.
    I'm pretty new to Rust and I wonder if you have some ideas, some
    works that could possibly be useful to Rust, even if extremely
    small. My objective is to get into Rust with this homework and
    then work further on Rust later.
    I can guess how much is hard to understand a compiler and start
    working on it, and that's basically why I'm asking you for an
    idea. I already worked on open-source projects (mainly in C++) so
    I don't have much "outside lessons" to take (such as learning git).

    Do you have suggestions that could fit well for this kind of project?

    Best regards,
    Pierre Talbot.
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