On 5 December 2013 11:40, György Andrasek <jur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 12/05/2013 04:53 AM, Patrick Walton wrote:
>> 4. *The argument to functions such as "filter" should be pure to allow
>> for stream fusion.* Purity is hard in Rust. We tried it and the
>> annotation burden was too high. At least our iterators allow for more
>> stream fusion than creating intermediate data structures would.
> Could you elaborate a bit for those of us who weren't around? I've been
> thinking about how purity would work in Rust, but a quick search says the
> verdict was apparently "kill it with fire" (#5384). If there's a List of
> Things We've Already Tried So Stop Asking, this really needs to be on it.

Graydon's response here
and other posts in that thread gives one starting point.

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