On 12/19/2013 12:57 AM, Kevin Ballard wrote:

Running out of memory can certainly be a problem with unbounded channels, but 
it's not a problem unique to unbounded channels. I'm not sure why it deserves 
so much extra thought here to the point that we may default to bounded. We 
don't default to bounded in other potential resource-exhaustion scenarios. For 
example, ~[T] doesn't default to having a maximum capacity that cannot be 
exceeded. The only maximum there is the limits of memory. I can write a loop 
that calls .push() on a ~[T] until I exhaust all my resources, but nobody 
thinks that's a serious issue.

This is a reasonable question.  A channel should be able to handle an
indefinitely large amount of traffic over its lifetime.  In the absence
of performance considerations, there is no reason for its capacity to
be more than one.  A channel with a capacity of more than one supports
pipelining, enabling coarser-grained work units that reduce scheduling
overhead.  As the capacity grows, that benefit shrinks to zero, while
system latency may grow without bound.

By contrast, there is nothing inherently time-related about ~[T].

I wonder... maybe filling in the last slot in a channel should also
make the sending thread yield, and if the channel is still full when
the thread runs again, something interesting is allowed to happen --
by default, nothing or task termination, but you can provide a
callback that might grow the channel, or push back upstream, or
what-have-you. Then there's only one kind of channel seen by
send and recv, maximally optimized, that does whatever fool thing
you want, and only ever costs extra at a scheduling boundary when
you can afford it.

Probably this idea is incompatible with 1:1 threads, or something.

Nathan Myers
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