Here’s an example from where I use an infinite queue.

I have an IRC bot, written in Go. The incoming network traffic of this bot is 
handled in one goroutine, which parses each line into its components, and 
enqueues the result on a channel. The channel is very deliberately made 
infinite (via a separate goroutine that stores the infinite buffer in a local 
slice). The reason it’s infinite is because the bot needs to be resilient 
against the case where either the consumer unexpectedly blocks, or the network 
traffic spikes. The general assumption is that, under normal conditions, the 
consumer will always be able to keep up with the producer (as the producer is 
based on network traffic and not e.g. a tight CPU loop generating messages as 
fast as possible). Backpressure makes no sense here, as you cannot put 
backpressure on the network short of letting the socket buffer fill up, and 
letting the socket buffer fill up with cause the IRC network to disconnect you. 
So the overriding goal here is to prevent network disconnects, while assuming 
that the consumer will be able to catch up if it ever gets behind.

This particular use case very explicitly wants a dynamically-sized infinite 
channel. I suppose an absurdly large channel would be acceptable, because if 
the consumer ever gets e.g. 100,000 lines behind then it’s in trouble already, 
but I’d rather not have the memory overhead of a statically-allocated gigantic 
channel buffer.


On Dec 19, 2013, at 10:04 AM, Jason Fager <> wrote:

> Okay, parallelism, of course, and I'm sure others.  Bad use of the word 
> 'only'.  The point is that if your consumers aren't keeping up with your 
> producers, you're screwed anyways, and growing the queue indefinitely isn't a 
> way to get around that.  Growing queues should only serve specific purposes 
> and make it easy to apply back pressure when the assumptions behind those 
> purposes go awry.
> On Thursday, December 19, 2013, Patrick Walton wrote:
> On 12/19/13 6:31 AM, Jason Fager wrote:
> I work on a system that handles 10s of billions of events per day, and
> we do a lot of queueing.  Big +1 on having bounded queues.  Unbounded
> in-memory queues aren't, they just have a bound you have no direct
> control over and that blows up the world when its hit.
> The only reason to have a queue size greater than 1 is to handle spikes
> in the producer, short outages in the consumer, or a bit of
> out-of-phaseness between producers and consumers.
> Well, also parallelism.
> Patrick
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