I touched the wiki.  All "Thad Guidry" edits are Public Domain, of course.
 Or MIT/ASL2 license if you so desire.

On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:44 PM, Brian Anderson <bander...@mozilla.com>wrote:

> Hey.
> Time for more legal stuff. Per https://github.com/mozilla/rust/issues/5831the 
> licensing of our documentation is not clear. Like all things Rust we
> want to make our doc license as permissive as possible, so after getting
> some legal advice here is what I intend to do:
> * Rust documentation will be MIT/ASL2 licensed like everything else.
> * Add the license as a *footer* to existing in-tree documentation, under
> the argument that it is already licensed according to the same terms as the
> rest of the repo.
> * Gather new statements from wiki contributors asserting that they
> contrtibuted under the MIT/ASL2, as we did when we relicensed Rust.
> * Put the license as footers on all pages of the wiki.
> For the most part this should not affect anybody, though if you've ever
> touched the wiki you may recieve an email from me about this in the future.
> Regards,
> Brian
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