There are some great points here (that should probably go into some sort of
'best practices' doc for rust package authors).

However there is a fundamental flaw IMO - we are talking about open-source
code, where the author is not obligated to do *any* of this. Most
open-source licenses explicitly state that there are no implied warranties
of *any* kind. Indeed, I think we would see far less open-source software
published if we started imposing requirements on how to go about it (this
includes the versioning of libraries). (Whether this is a good thing for
open-source in general is open to debate).

In an enterprise-only world, this would obviously work because the
companies that are providing your libraries actually have to give you a
QoS. But with open-source software, you can pick any library you want or
fork any library you want - if you want something better that follows your
requirements, then just fork it and make the changes you want. Which
library fork will end up the most used is essentially a popularity contest.
Of course this excludes the standard library because that approach
definitely does not work there (most notably the D tango vs. dmd

The 'don't switch things from under people' idea is definitely sound. But
if you care about your application's stability, you test each new library
upgrade for changes with your unit, regression and integration tests. That
is the only way to be sure that nothing is broken and semantic versioning
does not address that, except by making some instances where things are
really likely to be incompatible much clearer. If nothing else, this is why
even if you allow constraints as the units of dependency resolution, at any
given time you are relying upon a single pinned version. You should rebuild
and retest if you want to upgrade *anything*. Whether this can or should be
done dynamically (at runtime) is another question.

I disagree with the 'breaking-changes ==> new version' idea. The rust
developers have already said that whatever 2.0 will be, it may break
backward compatibility. This is a *good thing* because it's chance to clean
up. One of the reasons C++ is so huge is because it almost never removes
features, and this leads to unnecessary complexity.

Someone mentioned passing two objects with the same 'type' from different
versions of a library and how this would work in terms of memory layout.
But with 'slots', this wouldn't be allowed by the linker, because
effectively it sees the two different versions of the library as different
libraries (even though they have the same name).

On Sat, Feb 1, 2014 at 2:01 PM, Lee Braiden <> wrote:

>  On 01/02/14 00:09, Tony Arcieri wrote:
>  On Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 4:03 PM, Lee Braiden <> wrote:
>> This would be counterproductive.  If a library cannot be upgraded to 1.9,
>> or even 2.2, because some app REQUIRES 1.4, then that causes SERIOUS,
>> SECURITY issues.
>  Yes, these are exactly the types of problems I want to help solve. Many
> people on this thread are talking about pinning to specific versions of
> libraries. This will prevent upgrades in the event of a security problem.
>  Good dependency resolvers work on constraints, not specific versions.
> Agreed.
>   Are you familiar with semantic versioning?
>  Semantic Versioning would stipulate that a backwards incompatible change
> in an API would necessitate a MAJOR version bump. This indicates a break in
> the original contract.
> I'm familiar, in the sense that it's what many libs/apps do, but again, I
> don't believe that library 29.x should be backwards-incompatible with
> 28.x.  Major versions of a package, to me, should indicate major new
> features, but not abandonment of old features.  If you want to redesign
> some code base so it's incompatible (i.e., no longer the same thing), then
> it deserves a new name.
> Let's compare the mindsets of backwards-compatible library design, vs....
> oh, let's call it "major-breakage" ;) language design:
> Let's say you follow a common major-breakage approach, and do this:
> 1) Create a "general-compression-library", version 1.0, which uses the LZ
> algorithm, and exposes some details of that.
> 2) During the course of development, you get ideas for version 2.0
> 2) You publish the 1.x library
> 3) Create a "general-compression-library", version 2.0.  This, you decide,
> will use LZMA algorithm, and exposes some details of that.
> 4) You publish the 2.x library.
> 5) You receive a patch from someone, adding BZIP support, for 1.x.  It
> includes code to make 1.x more general.  However, it's incompatible with
> 2.x, and you've moved on, so you drop it, or backport your 2.x stuff.
> Maybe you publish 3.x, but now it's incompatible with 2.x AND 1.x...
> 6) All the while, people have been using your libraries in products, and
> some depend on 1.x, some on 2.x, some on 3.x.  It's a mess of compatibility
> hell, with no clear direction, security issues due to unmaintained code,
> etc.
> Because details are exposed in each, 2.0 breaks compatibility with 1.x.
> Under a model where version 2.x can be incompatible with version 1.x, you
> say, "OK, fine.  Slightly broken stuff, but new features.  People can
> upgrade and use the new stuff, or not.  Up to them."
> The problem though, is that the thinking behind all this is wrong-headed
> --- beginning from bad assumptions --- and the acceptance of
> backward-incompatibility encourages that way of thinking.
> Let's enforce backwards-compatiblity, and see what *might* happen, instead:
> 1) You create a "general-compression-library", version 1.0.  You use the
> LZ algorithm, and expose details of that.
> 2) During the course of development, you get ideas for 2.0
> 3) You're about to publish the library, and realise that your 2.0 changes
> won't be backwards compatible, because 1.x exposes API details in a
> non-futureproof way.
> 4) You do a little extra work on 1.x, making it more general -- i.e.,
> living up to its name.
> 5) You publish 1.x
> 6) You create version 2.x, which ALSO supports LZMA.
> 7) You publish version 2.x, which now has twice as many features, does
> what it says on the tin by being a general compression library, etc.
> 8) You receive a patch from someone, adding BZIP support, for 1.x.  You
> merge it in, and publish 3.x, which now supports 3 compression formats.
> 9) All the while, people have been using your libraries in products: they
> all work with general compression library x.x, later versions being better,
> minor OR major.  No security issues, because you just upgrade to the latest
> library version.
> Now, instead of one base library and two forks, you have a one library
> with three versions, each backwards-compatible, each building features over
> the last.  That's a MUCH better outcome.
> Now, that does involve a bit more foresight, but I think it's the kind of
> foresight that enforcing backwards compatibility encourages, and rightly so.
> I said *might* happen.  Let's explore another turn of events, and imagine
> that you didn't have the foresight in step 3 above: you create
> "general-compression-library", never realising that it's not general at
> all, and that 1.x is going to be incompatible with 2.x, until 1.x is
> published, and you come to create 2.x.  Under a backwards-compatibility
> model, that might go like this:
> 1) You create general-compression-library, version 1.0, with LZ support,
> expose details of that, and publish it.
> 2) You want to add LZMA support to this library, but can't because it
> breaks backwards compatibility.
> 3) Instead, you create a new library, "universal-compression-library",
> 1.0, with plugin support, including a built-in plugins for both LZMA and
> (via general-compression-library 1.0), LZ support.
> 4) You publish this as universal-compression-library, v 2.0
> 5) You receive a patch for BZIP support, for general-compression-library
> 1.x.  It adds new features to general compression library, to support both
> LZ and BZIP.  You thank the contributor for his patches, publish g-c-l 2.0,
> create a plugin for u-c-l, to support it as well.
> 6) All the while, people have been using your libraries in products: some
> depend on the latest version of general-compression library, version x.x,
> later versions being better.  Some use the newer
> universal-compression-library, version x.x, later versions being better.
> There are two libraries, which are maintained to some extent for now.
> Security issues are reduced over the first example.
> So this is NOT as great an outcome as the second example, admittedly.
> However, it's still much better than the first example.  In contrast to the
> first example, there is now a clear direction: a newer, more future-proof,
> more compatible library is coming to the fore, clearly distinguished by a
> new name.  More products are using it, and, if general-compression-library
> is ever fully deprecated, its code can be ported to the universal lib /
> replaced with other, non-deprecated plugins for the same functionality.
> Only products that directly depended on the old, broken design of
> general-compression-library are at risk due to unmaintained code. In that
> case, someone is likely to port the application code to use
> universal-compression-library instead: especially if the deprecation notice
> tells them to.
> The difference?  In the original example, you have multiple forks.  No one
> forks, distinguished only by version numbers.  Different forks are
> incompatible with each other, patches go to either, and no fork is clearly
> superior, because now you have multiple solutions for the same problem,
> under the same name.
> Really, all we're saying here is, "don't switch things out from under
> people".  If your library is meant to do X, when you do A, then don't make
> it suddenly crash if you don't do B beforehand.  If one recipe requires two
> steps, and recipe requires one, then they are different recipes and should
> have different names.  If two recipes use a set of steps, and yet produce
> different outcomes, then there are ingredients in there that you need to be
> aware of, and so really, they are different recipes, with different
> ingredients, and deserve different names.
> --
> Lee
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