On 12/03/14 04:35 PM, Niko Matsakis wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 03:12:16PM -0400, Clark Gaebel wrote:
>> That implies we need better editors. Things I need for exploring large
>> codebases:
>> 1. Go to definition
>> 2. What's the type of this variable/function?
> FWIW, ctags (with etags-select [1]) gives me both of these things
> today to an acceptable degree. I'm not arguing we should never have
> better IDE integration or anything, just saying that if you want to
> make your life easier TODAY, you should consider using ctags. Just run
> "make TAGS.vi" or "make TAGS.emacs" to index the standard libraries,
> and you can copy the definition file for use on your own projects.
> Niko
> [1] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EtagsSelect

It somewhat works, but ctags is pretty awful even in C when compared to
something like youcompleteme, XCode or Visual Studio. In my opinion, the
need to generate tags and the occasional inaccurate results (missing
completions, or invalid ones) is more of a productivity loss than lack
of completion will ever be :P.

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