On 06/18/2014 10:08 AM, Gábor Lehel wrote:

# Checked math

For (2), the standard library offers checked math in the `CheckedAdd`, `CheckedMul` etc. traits, as well as integer types of unbounded size: `BigInt` and `BigUint`. This is good, but it's not enough. The acid test has to be whether for non-performance-critical code, people are actually *using* checked math. If they're not, then we've failed.

`CheckedAdd` and co. are important to have for flexibility, but they're far too unwieldy for general use. People aren't going to write `.checked_add(2).unwrap()` when they can write `+ 2`. A more adequate design might be something like this:

* Have traits for all the arithmetic operations for both checking on overflow and for wrapping around on overflow, e.g. `CheckedAdd` (as now), `WrappingAdd`, `CheckedSub`, `WrappingSub`, and so on.

* Offer convenience methods for the Checked traits which perform `unwrap()` automatically.

* Have separate sets of integer types which check for overflow and which wrap around on overflow. Whatever they're called: `CheckedU8`, `checked::u8`, `uc8`, ...

* Both sets of types implement all of the Checked* and Wrapping* traits. You can use explicit calls to get either behavior with either types.

* The checked types use the Checked traits to implement the operator overloads (`Add`, Mul`, etc.), while the wrapping types use the Wrapping traits to implement them. In other words, the difference between the types is (probably only) in the behavior of the operators.

* `BigInt` also implements all of the Wrapping and Checked traits: because overflow never happens, it can claim to do anything if it "does happen". `BigUint` implements all of them except for the Wrapping traits which may underflow, such as `WrappingSub`, because it has nowhere to wrap around to.

Another option would be to have just one set of types but two sets of operators, like Swift does. I think that would work as well, or even better, but we've been avoiding having any operators which aren't familiar from C.

The general flavor of this proposal w/r/t checked arithmetic sounds pretty reasonable to me, and we can probably make progress on this now. I particularly think that having checked types that use operator overloading is important for ergonomics.
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