On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:05 PM, Gregory Maxwell <gmaxw...@gmail.com>

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Gábor Lehel <glaebho...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > memory safety bugs.) This is a step up from C's insanity of undefined
> > behavior for signed overflow, where the compiler assumes that overflow
> > *cannot* happen and even optimizes based on that assumption, but it's
> still
> > a sad state of affairs.
> C's behavior is not without an advantage.  It means that every
> operation on signed values in C has an implicit latent assertion for
> analysis tools:  If wrapping can happen in operation the program is
> wrong, end of story.  This means you can use existing static and
> dynamic analysis tools while testing and have a zero false positive
> rate— not just on your own code but on any third party code you're
> depending on too.
> In languages like rust where signed overflow is defined, no such
> promises exists— signed overflow at runtime might be perfectly valid
> behavior, and so analysis and testing require more work to produce
> useful results.  You might impose a standard on your own code that
> requires that all valid signed overflow must be annotated in some
> manner, but this does nothing for third party code (including the
> standard libraries).
> The value here persists even when there is normally no checking at
> runtime, because the tools can still be run sometimes— which is less
> of a promise than always on runtime checking but it also has no
> runtime cost.
> So I think there would be a value in rust of having types for which
> wrap is communicated by the developer as being invalid, even if it
> were not normally checked at runtime. Being able to switch between
> safety levels is not generally the rust way— or so it seems to me— and
> may not be justifiably in cases where the risk vs cost ratio is
> especially high (e.g. bounds checking on memory)... but I think it's
> better than not having the safety facility at all.
> The fact that C can optimize non-overflow is also fairly useful in
> proving loop bounds and allowing the autovectorization to work.  I've
> certantly had signal processing codebases where this made a
> difference, but I'm not sure if the same communication to the
> optimizer might not be available in other ways in rust.

You seem to be making the same arguments that I did in the "Between a rock
and a hard place" section. Is that intentional?

> > `CheckedAdd` and co. are important to have for flexibility, but they're
> far
> > too unwieldy for general use. People aren't going to write
> > `.checked_add(2).unwrap()` when they can write `+ 2`. A more adequate
> design
> > might be something like this:
> Not only does friction like that discourage use— it also gets in the
> way of people switching behaviors between testing and production when
> performance considerations really do preclude always on testing.
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