On 7/25/14 10:10 AM, Josh Haberman wrote:
On Fri, Jul 25, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Patrick Walton <pcwal...@mozilla.com> wrote:
Neither auto-ref or ad-hoc operator overloading
would let you write a generic function that calls
`pow` and works optimally with both bigints and
ints. I think the only thing that would work is
something like C++ ad-hoc templates, which is
a road I don't want to go down.

Could you explain what you mean by "ad-hoc templates", and how this
differs from Rust's templates?

In Rust you can never have type errors during template expansion. If a call to a generic/template typechecks properly, then the template is guaranteed to expand to valid Rust code with no type errors within it. This is done via the trait system, which is similar in spirit to the concept systems proposed for C++17 (the difference being that Rust *only* has concepts).

The primary benefit of this setup is that the infamous template error messages in C++ are eliminated. There are a bunch of other secondary benefits as well: there is no need for the ADL hack, you can do things like overload on the return type, etc.


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