On Mon, Sep 22, 2014 at 9:40 AM, Matthieu Monrocq <
matthieu.monr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> If a method requires a XSS-safe string, then it should take the
> XssSafeString parameter, which would implement Deref<String> and would be
> built from a String by a method performing the necessary escaping.

This relies on all paths to XssSafeString being "safe" ones, which may be
the case, but all it takes is a single chink in the armor for things to go
amiss. I'd also note that "SafeString" is a terrible name and has lead to a
lot of confusion in e.g. Ember.js. I'd suggest using "RawString" or
"RawQuery", which is a lot more indicative of its actual contents.

Having some sort of real taint analysis (or something akin to TS*'s Un
type) to solve problems like this generically (i.e. tainted strings should
not be used directly in any sort of templating would be a lot more
interesting. Maybe in Rust 9.0 ;)

Tony Arcieri
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