Paride Legovini wrote in <b477c054-fa6a-dd93-2fe3-892d46e09a74@ninthfloo\>:
 |Steffen Nurpmeso wrote on 27/06/2019:
 |> Paride Legovini wrote in <a8755ae8-a3b9-fba5-c24a-fbebec0f6c35@ninthfloo\
 |>|Steffen Nurpmeso wrote on 20/06/2019:
 |>|> the patch was reversed; here is the right one.
 |>|Just to be sure, is your last "ivan.diff" patch all that's needed to fix
 |>|this bug? I would like to have it fixed in buster, but given that we're
 |>|so deep in the freeze I'll have to ship only a minimal fix for this
 |>|specific bug; an import of a new minor version changing other stuff
 |>|won't be accepted. This will mean patching 14.9.11.
 |> Oh-oh, 14.9.11 is a year old! :)  I do not understand that
 |> security policy of Debian, for such a small program with a single
 |> developer.  So many bugs fixed!  I would even update to [master]
 |> or [stable/stable] and use the grappa mode!  Sigh. :)
 |Yeah I'm sorry for the skipped release, I promise I will backport the
 |latest one once buster is released, but for the moment v14.9.11 is the
 |version we have to work with.
 |The policy for acceptable changes during the full freeze period is
 |pretty clear:
 |and I don't think an update to e.g. 14.9.14 will fit.

That definetely not, i had to rewrite the entire child process and
job control signal handling to something that i almost like.  And
the rest of the way we will make, too!

I was thinking more of the [stable/stable] branch, which is
v14.9.13 plus fixes, and which can be turned into a release with
the grappa mode of mk/ (as documented in README).
The [stable/] branch series is exactly for this purpose.  On the
oss-security@ list there was a discussion on using exact the kind
of stable branches that S-nail provides, and Simon McVittie of
Debian said something[1,2].  Especially in the former he says

  If upstream projects have a stable branch that is genuinely stable
  and bugfix-only to minimize the risk of regressions, and encourage
  downstream distributions to align on the latest stable branch during
  their development phase, then I think that goes a long way towards this.


So this little MUA already provides for some time what has been
expressed as the desirable policy on OSS development.  To speak
that boldly, that is ^_^
(Hmmm, should i Cc: some parties..  Maybe only our own list, ok?)

As another point the software world progresses.  For example, the
new GAWK 5 produces warnings with v14.9.11, it will not with
[stable/stable] (or master).  There is at least one packager known
who fixed those warnings via a local patch in the package system.
Though he (Jürgen) packages for a compile-yourself distribution,
therefore [stable/stable]+mk/ grappa is bad, since
you need (git and) perl installed.  Though: perl is in core!  Hm.
That is not a problem so big for Debian, however, i would guess
most people use the binary packages, anyway.

 |>|The patch doesn't apply cleanly onobs-imap-gssapi.h from v14.9.11 (I did
 |>|fix the paths, of course), but making the same changes manually to
 |>|produce a new patch looks easy. Is it fine if I go this way, or should
 |>|v14.9.11 be patches differently? Of course if you happen to have a patch
 |>|that already applies on v14.9.11 please let me have it!
 |> I had to backport it myself; i have not compiled it, but should
 |> do.  Please report any problems Paride, they are real and actual
 |> bugs!  I will spin a VM this evening, i have a FreeBSD with
 |> GSSAPI, if i hit any compile error i will send you an update, ok?
 |Thanks Steffen! I will try to apply the patch tomorrow.

Still had no time, will compile-test on FreeBSD in an hour :).
Yeah, time is a problem.
But i did not answer your question: no, not that alone, but two;
the one i sent to you however includes them both.

Ciao Paride!  Ciao!!

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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