Steffen Nurpmeso <> wrote:

> Hello.
> I Cc: the list, i hope this is ok?

Yes, it is ok.

> I just got it totally wrong, i apologise for that.
> wrote in
>  <>:
>  |The truncation is with s-nail 14.9.11-2 on debian buster.
>  |In my post I mentioned s-mailx becuase I was confusing s-nail with
>  |the list name.
>  |I think the cause of truncation are unicode characters that the poster \
>  |included in his message.
> Ah!  Now i understand -- you tried to read the message of the URL
> you posted, and _that_ was impossible?

Right. That message, which is archived at ,
was truncated at the beginning of the line where the author
had a right arrow symbol. The line in the body of the message.
Rethinking, it could be the subject was shown without the right
arrow character. Just skipping that symbol, and otherwise fine.
But i am not sure.

> Apologies, this was a complete misunderstanding on my side then!!
> Sorry!
>  |At this time I can not test it on archlinux, which defenitly has 
>  |a newer s-nail version. Do you think it will not happen with a
>  |newer version?
> On Debian you could upgrade to v14.9.19 from the "testing"
> repository, but i do not know how to accomplish that, i only used
> on release of Debian, that was 3.0 (Woody), a long time ago.

Unfortunately, in order to go from buster to bullseye (testing),
I will have to upgrade some of s-nail dependencies. Which will 
probably requires upgrading more packages, for dependencies of
other packages on the machine. I don't want to go into that now.
> There are almost a thousand commits, and we do have unicode tests,
> and they succeed.  So i do not think it happens in a newer
> version.
> I see there is a Unicode character in this line, and i would
> really be interested in seeing the message as the ArchLinux list
> posted it, unfortunately the Mailman archive does not have the
> full message?  Would you send it to me?  It is possible the
> easiest if you `resend' it ("? resend MSG-NO").

Unfortunately, I deleted the messages that started this discussion.
But I think I am able to reproduce the problematic situation.
Which is easy. Just have a message with unicode character. For example,

    The next line should have a single right arrow, U+2192, &#8594;
    (Here comes the right arrow symbol)
    The previous line had a single right arrow, U+2192, &#8594;

I can arrange for such a message to be sent to, if you like.

No other comments on my part. I will consider upgrading to Debian
testing whenever I will have an opportunity.
Thank you.

>  |Could it be due to using a terminal that is possibly confused by unicode
>  |characters?
> Hm, not really.  This then should mess up individual characters,
> but not mutilate an entire message.  It all depends on your locale
> settings, if you use a non-Unicode locale then such characters
> should come out as "?" anyway, and that should be no problem at
> all.  You could try the `more' command to view the messafe
>   ? more MSG-NUMBER
> or instead
>   ? set crt=0
>   ? print
> That is, just force usage of $PAGER (likely less(1)?).
> We .. had an error in the past which caused a data procession
> stop, but i just cannot find it in the logs, it must have been
> fixed long ago.  It was not about Unicode aka the character set,
> but about the Content-Transfer-Encoding of the message.  If
> i recall correctly.
> Ah!  No, i have it, it was iconv(3) related:
>   commit a9ec20d6
>   Author:     Steffen Nurpmeso <>
>   AuthorDate: 2020-04-23 17:29:57 +0200
>   Commit:     Steffen Nurpmeso <>
>   CommitDate: 2020-04-23 17:32:30 +0200
>       Fix: "revert" [ab0cd3b8] from 2017-10-20.. (Claus Assmann)..
>       (FIX iconv for main body part (since EVER!) (Doug McIlroy,
>       Random832)..) was nonsense in sofar as we now generated ILSEQ
>       errors, but without giving any error message, so that users
>       (without nice *prompt*) normally had no indication of what
>       happened, but looked at a partial message.  This is inacceptible,
>       so instead simply use replacement until we possibly have a better
>       way out at some later time.
> This changeset is in v14.9.19.
>  |When I used that same terminal to examine the raw message at the
>  |MTA spool, 
>  |some unicode characters are not displayed properly. But nothing
>  |seem to be truncated.
> Yes.  If there is an invalid character we would simply have
> stopped instead of continuing and displaying the replacement
> character ("?").  Fixed in v14.9.19.
>  |My .mailrc has set PAGER=less. But nothing seem to be truncated
>  |when using less to view the raw MTA spool file.
>  |When the trncation will happen the next time, I will try to unset PAGER=\
>  |less. And see if that removes the truncation.
> No, that error was on our side.
> Sorry for the inconvenience!
> --steffen
> |
> |Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
> |der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
> |einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
> |(By Robert Gernhardt)


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