Stephen Isard wrote in <>: |Hello Steffen, | |What does s-nail do when an imap server breaks connection? | |I am asking on behalf of a friend in another country who has been |finding that when he writes a long message in an external editor, he |often gets an error message |s-nail: IMAP write error: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0) |on leaving the external editor, and his edits are lost. He is on a |somewhat flaky imap server, and I am guessing that the error message |means that the server has dropped the connection, but I don't see why |that should prevent s-nail from reading the externally edited temp file |back into its buffer.
The best you can do is using IMAP cache, as you do. You can then `disconnect' / `connect' as you will, and it usually "pampers over" the problem. Other than that setting "set imap-keepalive=X" to install an alarm based trigger every X seconds often helps, too. Maybe 300 or even 120 for super picky wifi i have seen (if it helps at all). Oh i am super happy with my Wireguard VPN that is datagram based, how often that pampered over the usual wifi breaks i have here, causing a SSH connection to survive across breakings, i cannot tell! --steffen | |Der Kragenbaer, The moon bear, |der holt sich munter he cheerfully and one by one |einen nach dem anderen runter wa.ks himself off |(By Robert Gernhardt)