Stephen Isard wrote in
 |Thanks very much for the pointers, Steffen.  I don't actually need to 
 |use the microsoft smtp server.  There is another server that I can send 
 |through.  I just need to read mail on the imap server.  So is your 
 |>  s-nail: >>> SERVER: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is \
 |>  ready. ..
 |>  s-nail: >>> T8 CAPABILITY
 |>   SAS$
 |>  s-nail: >>> SERVER: T8 OK CAPABILITY completed.
 |>  s-nail: >>> T9 LOGIN "" "..."
 |>  s-nail: >>> SERVER: T9 OK LOGIN completed.
 |authenticating with xoauth2?

The released S-nail's have oauthbearer which de facto _is_
XOAUTH2.  No?  I think yes.  v14.10 will detangle this to
oauthbearer and xoauth2, i am afraid configurations possibly need
to be changed.  Or not, since there will be a new *smtp-config*
which replaces all the others and automatically chooses a thing,
unless told otherwise.  But your console will be complain.

 |> But regarding your question, in the mutt(1) MUA repository there
 |> is contrib/*, and it reads
 |>  -- How to create a Microsoft registration --
 |That looks promising.  I'll give it a try.
 |Stephen Isard
 --End of <>

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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