On Mon, 5 Sep 2022, Steffen Nurpmeso steffen-at-sdaoden.eu |s-nail| wrote:
|microsoft says it [basic authentication] will stop
|working next month, which is why I am trying to set up

They do?!

They do. See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/clients-and-mobile-in-exchange-onl

I have no idea how to get an application ID for S-nail that can
simply be used.

Nor do I, but alpine has a fairly painless process for setting up xoauth2 for microsoft. See https://alpineapp.email/alpine/alpine-info/misc/xoauth2.html (which starts off by explaining that "The idea of XOAUTH2 is to create the illusion of security").

I've also discovered davmail http://davmail.sourceforge.net/, which does the xoauth2 stuff for you and shows your mail on a local server. It works with s-nail and I'll use it if I can't manage to connect with s-nail directly.

Stephen Isard

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