Hello list, hello Stephen.

A follow-up to this.  As some may remember, the S-nail/s-mailx
application stopped working via OAuth, that is, IMAP was possible,
but sending via SMTP caused only failed authentications.

It magically works again: i took part in a thread on mutt-dev@,
and it was Ian Collier of Oxford University who dropped the word
about "common instead of tenant ID".

Now, whereas our oauth-helper.py script itself uses "tenant=common" for
Microsoft, the registered S-nail (s-mailx) application instead uses
the generated tenant ID, and it worked like that back in last
Interestingly refresh_token is now totally missing, outlook.com
only manages access_token .. currently.  But hey -- it works!

So i updated the manual in the script, and the S-nail/s-mailx
config itself, to be downloaded at will from [1].

Ciao from Germany, and a nice rest-Sunday!

  [1] https://git.sdaoden.eu/browse/s-toolbox.git/plain/oauth-helper.py
      Note: user "moon", password "mars", as in:
      $ curl -u moon:mars --basic -O 

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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