Hello Stephen.

Stephen Isard wrote in
 |On Sun, 16 Apr 2023, Steffen Nurpmeso steffen-at-sdaoden.eu |s-nail| wrote:
 |> Stephen Isard wrote in
 |> <10085-1681666242-947...@sneakemail.com>:
 |>|I still get a message saying I need admin approval when I try to
 |>|authorize with your client id.  I think it must be a decision by the
 |> With the new script, aka after replacing the tenant=ID with
 |> tenant=common in the configuration, and refreshing it?
 |With the new script and starting with an empty resourcefile


 |> Hmmm, Alpine has a client_secret, whereas we have not; we only
 |> have an application/client ID, and Object ID, and
 |> a Directory/tenant ID, but which must not be used for real.
 |> I have not set a client secret, likely because that has a maximum
 |> lifetime, as i see (again).
 |Well, alpine has asked me to reauthorize a couple of times since it has 
 |started using oauth.  I can't recall the intervals exactly, but several 
 |months at least.

They all do what they want about that --action=authorize.
But client_secret is definetely not freely inventable by users,
but if available is linked to the application.
Alpine .. seems to have added an Outlook client_secret on
2020-07-09 with 0f89ad88df81df9d2ca7eafa276fecf8206fb598, and did
not have one before.  Maybe with paying or something you can
choose a longer validity than 30 months?  It passed the 30 months
by now, that much is plain.

Well like i said, i am over my bandwidth limit until the 28th, and
then i had to ask you *again* to do testing when we have a client
secret, because it seems there is fine-grained access
differentiation going on, the rules of which are surely
documented somewhere, but you are the only person i know who sits
"in some special department" that causes additional access checks
to kick in.  And lucky that your own configuration works.
(Mysterious that i think the Mozilla ID then does not require
"administrator handwaving", even though it has tenant=common and
no client_secret (that i know of).)

|Der Kragenbaer,                The moon bear,
|der holt sich munter           he cheerfully and one by one
|einen nach dem anderen runter  wa.ks himself off
|(By Robert Gernhardt)

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