PA Nilsson <> writes:
>> > fsck.s3ql --ssl-ca-path ${capath} --cachedir ${s3ql_cachedir} --log 
>> > $log_file --authfile ${auth_file}  $storage_url 
>> > 
>> > " 
>> > Starting fsck of xxxxxxxxx 
>> > Ignoring locally cached metadata (outdated). 
>> > Backend reports that file system is still mounted elsewhere. Either 
>> > the file system has not been unmounted cleanly or the data has not yet 
>> > propagated through the backend. In the later case, waiting for a while 
>> > should fix the problem, in the former case you should try to run fsck 
>> > on the computer where the file system has been mounted most recently. 
>> > Enter "continue" to use the outdated data anyway: 
>> > " 
>> > 
>> > In this case, it is true that the file system was not cleanly unmounted, 
>> > but what are my options here? 
>> You should find out why you are loosing your local metadata copy. 
>> Is your $s3ql_cachedir on a journaling file system? What happened to 
>> this file system on the power cycle? Did it loose data? 
>> What are the contents of $s3ql_cachedir when you run fsck.s3ql? 
>> Are you running fsck.s3ql with the same $s3ql_cachedir as mount.s3ql? 
>> Are you *absolutely* sure about that? 
> I can only trigger this when the system is powered off during an actual 
> transfer of data. If I let the data transfer finish and then power cycle 
> with the fs mounted, the FS recovers when running fsck.
> The system is running on an ext4 filesystem. The filesystem does not seem 
> to have lost any data.
> The cachedir is read from the same config file and works otherwise, to yes, 
> I am sure about that. 
> Contents of cachdir when failing is:
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root     0 Jun 16 13:06 mount.s3ql_crit.log
> -rw------- 1 root root 77824 Jun 17 07:21 
> -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   217 Jun 17 07:21 

There is something very wrong here. While mount.s3ql is running, there
will always be a directory ending in -cache in the cache directory. This
directory is only removed after mount.s3ql exits, so if you reboot the
computer, it *must* still be there.

Can you confirm that the directory exists while mount.s3ql is running?

What happens if, instead of rebooting, you just kill -9 the mount.s3ql
process? Does the -cache directory exist? Does fsck.s3ql work in that case?

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