Jan. 01 - 14, 2005


Praful Bidwai

K. Natwar Singh's statement in Seoul urging the two Koreas not to 
emulate India and Pakistan in crossing the nuclear threshold reopens 
a worthy debate. The UPA, instead of being defensive, should seize 
the regional and global disarmament initiative.

  Foreign Minister K. Natwar Singh with his South Korean counterpart 
Ban Ki-moon at their meeting in Seoul on December 15.

BARELY six months after K. Natwar Singh committed an indiscretion by 
announcing in United States Secretary of State Colin Powell's 
presence that India could reconsider its decision opposing the 
despatch of troops to Iraq, the Foreign Minister again seemingly 
stirred up a hornet's nest, in Seoul. In an interview to The Korea 
Times (published on December 14), he distanced himself (to a limited 
extent) from the National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government's 
decision to cross the nuclear Rubicon and said: "Even though we are 
ourselves a nuclear power, we support complete nuclear disarmament 
for Korea." He also said India's previous government (of the NDA) was 
"responsible for the decision to enter the nuclear standoff with 
neighbouring Pakistan".

The Korean newspaper interpreted this statement to mean that Natwar 
Singh was urging the two Koreas not to "follow India's example in 
becoming a nuclear power". Two days later, Indian Express (December 
16) further extrapolated this interpretation and charged him with 
having "virtually expressed regret over India's current nuclear 
status". It also said that this ran counter to the United Progressive 
Alliance's (UPA) commitment to a "credible minimum nuclear deterrent" 
and minimised and denied what it called "the role that various 
Congress leaders had played in India's nuclear journey".

The NDA seized upon the Indian Express story to pillory the 
government. The Bharatiya Janata Party, in particular, accused the 
UPA of "belittling the country's achievement" and beating a retreat 
from the country's nuclear weapons policy, on which "there is 
consensus". Prime Minister Manmohan Singh went on the defensive and 
put forward an apologetic statement in Parliament reassuring the NDA 
that Natwar Singh's statement did not signify a change in official 
policy, which remains unchanged: "India is a nuclear power and a 
responsible nuclear power... I categorically say there is no 
uncertainty in our nuclear policy." The Prime Minister offered the 
same solemn assurance again on December 21.

In reality, it is open to doubt whether Natwar Singh committed a 
major breach of policy or propriety. His unembellished quote, free of 
interpretation, merely said that "we hadn't crossed the threshold for 
50 years. And the Congress Party didn't, it was the other party". He 
then added: "But regret would be futile... you can't put it back in 
the tube, it's out."

This is fully in keeping with the UPA's own stated commitment to 
working for complete global nuclear disarmament and updating Rajiv 
Gandhi's worthy and thoughtful three-stage plan to achieve this. 
Natwar Singh's observation about the NDA having taken the decision to 
cross the nuclear threshold in 1998 is factually accurate and is 
fully in keeping with the freedom of an individual member of the UPA 
Cabinet to make a personal statement.

It is even more doubtful, indeed quite incorrect, if there is, as 
former NDA Foreign Minister Jaswant Singh alleged, a "national 
consensus" on the May 1998 Pokharan-II nuclear tests and the policy 
followed thereafter to turn India into a full-fledged nuclear weapons 
power, with an ambitious arsenal. As the Communist Party of India 
(Marxist) Member of Parliament Nilotpal Basu rhetorically asked in 
Parliament on December 16, is it at all permissible to call the 
"great divide across the polity" following the nuclear test a 

To get the basic facts straight, the NDA in March/April 1998 had 
promised to conduct a strategic review of India's security and revise 
India's nuclear policy. Then, without conducting any such review, it 
went ahead and detonated five nuclear weapons on May 11 and 13. The 
decision to do so was never discussed in the Vajpayee Cabinet or its 
strategic affairs committee. It was taken in unseemly secrecy. 
India's defence services chiefs were informed of the impending tests 
only two days before May 11 and Defence Minister Geroge Fernandes on 
that very day.

It is abundantly clear, however, that the Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh 
(RSS), an extra-constitutional and publicly unaccountable body, was 
privy to the decision. It was consulted, and in all probability 
mandated the fateful decision. As the present sarasanghachalak, K.S. 
Sudarshan, then the RSS's Number 3 leader, boasted in an interview, 
the BJP had every intention to carry out a nuclear blast in 1996 too, 
when it ruled for an ignominious 13 days, but there wasn't enough 
time to do so.

The Pokharan-II tests came in for sharp criticism from the 
Centre-Left component of the political spectrum, as well as civil 
society. The Left parties were unsparing in their attack on them. At 
least two former Prime Ministers (H.D. Deve Gowda and I.K. Gujral) 
deplored the NDA's capitulation to "the nuclear lobby".

The Congress party was divided. Party president Sonia Gandhi had on 
May 11 drafted a statement criticising the tests, but this was 
pre-empted by senior Congress leader Sharad Pawar's premature 
congratulation of India's nuclear scientists for their "achievement". 
(For details, and a review of the Parliamentary debate which 
followed, in which the majority of MPs who spoke criticised the 
tests, see my book, co-authored with Achin Vanaik, South Asia on a 
Short Fuse: Nuclear Politics and the Future of Global Disarmament, 
OUP, New Delhi, 2000.)

It is noteworthy that the Congress' criticism was spearheaded by none 
other than the present Prime Minister. In the 1998 monsoon session, 
Manmohan Sigh warned of the consequences of the tests and a costly 
arms race, which would send defence expenditure skyrocketing- to a 
point where "there would be nothing left to defend".

Meanwhile, a broad cross-section of intellectuals, including social 
scientists, physicists and biologists, besides social activists, 
mobilised themselves to protest against the tests. In the weeks that 
followed, the number of groups and individuals which demonstrated in 
the streets vastly exceeded the minuscule mobilisation organised by 
the Sangh Parivar, exposing the parody of the CNN-driven image of 
"the people" jubilating over the nuclear blasts as the authentic 
representation of the public mood.

Since then, the movement for nuclear disarmament and peace, although 
still small, has gathered momentum. The establishment of the 
broad-based Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace in November 
2000, supported by over 250 people's movement groups and social 
activists' organisations, its second very successful National 
Convention in Jaipur in November 2004, and the holding of the 
Anti-War Assembly in Hyderabad in December, testify to this. Opinion 
polls show that more than two-thirds of Indians polled - in one case, 
73 per cent - oppose the manufacture or use of nuclear weapons by 

This is reflected on the political plane too. The Left parties, now 
with their largest-ever presence in the Lok Sabha, demand that India 
must unconditionally roll back the nuclear weapons programme to the 
point of dismantling weapons and that New Delhi must return to the 
disarmament agenda.

The rationale underlying the opposition to nuclearisation is 
unassailable. It is greatly reinforced by experience over the past 
six and a half years. This experience, to put it starkly, is 
embarrassingly negative. Nuclear weapons have not made India more 
secure. Just the opposite. Today, millions of innocent citizens are 
vulnerable to nuclear strikes from across the border, especially from 
weapons that can be carried by missiles, against which no defence is 
possible. The same is true of Pakistani civilians, who too can be 
reduced to specs of radioactive dust in devastating attacks by Indian 

Nuclearisation has failed to impart stability or maturity to the 
India-Pakistan strategic relationship. On the contrary, it has 
encouraged rank adventurism. The two states' leaders openly taunted 
and threatened each other with a nuclear attack both during the 
Kargil War of 1999 and during their eyeball-to-eyeball military 
confrontation, with a million soldiers, over 10 long months in 2002. 
Nuclear weapons will forever act as an enormously complicating factor 
in any military tension between India and Pakistan.

Nuclear deterrence involves both elaborate preparations to kill lakhs 
of civilian non-combatants and the active will to do so. As earlier 
argued often in this column, deterrence is a fraught, indeed 
dangerous, doctrine on which to base security. During the Cold War, 
it repeatedly produced crises, generating panic reactions and 
bringing the globe perilously close to catastrophe - despite the 
colossal sums invested by the U.S. and the Union of Soviet Socialist 
Republics in command and control systems, equivalent to five times 
India's current gross domestic product.

Given the peculiarities of the India-Pakistan situation, where there 
is no strategic distance worth the name between the two, and with 
numerous potential flashpoints and a history of rivalry breaking into 
war, nuclear deterrence is simply unacceptable. India and Pakistan 
are courting serious trouble by relying on deterrence - a historic 
blunder, if there ever was one.

The pro-bomb lobby's fond hope that nuclear weapons would expand 
India's room for manoeuvre in world politics has also been belied. 
India has accepted unequal treaties and lopsided economic bargains, 
especially those imposed by the U.S., to ward off pressure on its 
nuclear weapons programme. As for the assertion that nuclear weapons 
enhance a nation's international standing, it is only necessary to 
look next door. Until the September 11 attacks, nuclear Pakistan had 
become a virtual untouchable state. India's global stature has 
admittedly risen recently. But that is because of the Information 
Technology business, the stability and vibrancy of our democracy, and 
to an extent, the perception that India has now entered the league of 
fast-growing economies - not because of, but despite, nuclear weapons.

Therefore, the issue Natwar Singh has raised is highly pertinent. It 
is a timely reminder of the urgency of returning to the disarmament 
agenda. The UPA has committed itself to fighting for global 
disarmament. Manmohan Singh reiterated this on December 21 in 
Parliament when he said: "We are a country with a civilisational 
heritage for complete nuclear disarmament. We will join hands with 
other countries to promote complete disarmament on a 
non-discriminatory basis globally."

The UPA has, however, fought shy of any regional initiative for 
nuclear restraint or risk-reduction. It complacently, but falsely, 
claims that nuclear weapons are a "stabilising" factor in the 
subcontinent. Recently, at the discussions on nuclear and 
conventional military confidence-building measures in Islamabad, the 
two governments blithely declared that Kashmir is no longer "a 
nuclear flashpoint". This is pure, unadulterated, wishful thinking. 
So long as Kashmir remains a contentious issue, it will trigger 
suspicion, hostility and military crises - with a potential for 
escalation to the nuclear level.

It is of the utmost importance that India take the initiative for 
regional nuclear restraint and disarmament along with Pakistan - 
independently of working for the global elimination of nuclear 
weapons. The most important first steps in such an initiative should 
be self-evident: agreements not to deploy nuclear weapons, a 
moratorium on nuclear tests and missile test-flights for one year, 
extending to two, three years and more, and an accord to keep nuclear 
bombs/warheads separated from delivery vehicles. This should pave the 
way for longer-term agreements to stop producing fissile material, 
dismantle missiles and create a nuclear weapons-free zone in South 

Sage advice to this effect comes from no less the Harkishan Singh 
Surjeet, the CPI(M) general secretary. In a seminal article in 
People's Democracy (October 3), Surjeet argues for regional nuclear 
disarmament in South Asia, endorsing Pakistan President General 
Pervez Musharraf's statement (to NBC News and CNN) that he did not 
rule out the possibility of India and Pakistan jointly announcing a 
decision to dismantle their nuclear arsenals. However, he was of the 
view that "this has to be initiated by India". He further added that 
"it has to be bilateral. It has to be between India and Pakistan." 
Surjeet distinguishes this from the proposal made in the 1980s by 
General Zia-ul-Haq, which was compatible with a U.S. "nuclear 
umbrella" for Pakistan, which then may or may not have had a nuclear 

However, says Surjeet, "now that both India and Pakistan have nuclear 
weapons, the first thing is to assure the whole world that no nuclear 
conflagration would be allowed to take place, much less start, in 
this part of the world. Hence the need for both the countries to 
display maturity and give up all talk of deterrence and the like. The 
last six years are a witness to the sordid fact that deterrence 
has... only aggravated the anxiety of the world peoples about the 
fate of humanity on the earth. Then, pending a satisfactory 
resolution of the NPT [Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty], disarmament 
and other such issues, the imperative for both the countries is that 
they address each other's concerns on the nukes issue, progressively 
get rid of nuclear weapons and together fight for general and global 

Surjeet continues: "Insofar as the General's contention that `this 
has to be initiated by India' is concerned, there is no harm if India 
initiates the process. It is not only India's duty as the biggest 
country of the subcontinent; it will even add to India's prestige in 
the world and give a momentum to the fight for total and general 
disarmament. Committed to the cause of disarmament, therefore, the 
present UPA regime must think about how the subcontinent may be 
denuclearised and pressure mounted on other nuclear weapons states 
that they too must eliminate their nuclear arsenals".

There is not a moment to be lost in moving towards such a sensible 
nuclear policy. By making his statement in Seoul, Natwar Singh has, 
perhaps inadvertently, opened a new, historic opportunity for course 
correction. All peace-loving people must seize it.


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