> > I followed the instructions from
> >http://wiki.sagemath.org/combinat/Installation
> > and ran into a problem (see below for the dump) when installing the
> > patches on top of a mint 4.1.1. The folder that is looked after
> > doesn't exist (actually, not even /Users/Shared/sage , my install
> > folder is /Applications/sage , as per the instructions online) . I
> > fixed it by adding a symbolic link, but this is not the right
> > solution.
> > I don't really see what this has to do with combinat, but since I got
> > the error in installing the combinat patches, I guess it should be
> > reported here.
> Thanks for the report! Did you install Sage from binaries or from
> source?  In case it is from binaries, could you try to install it
> (say under /Applications/sage-source) from source to see if anything
> similar pops up?

I had installed from the binaries.
[ 3 hours later... : ] When installing 4.1.1 from source and then
upgrading to combinat, I don t have the problem.

> Oh, btw: symmetric functions (and actually all algebras) are currently
> broken on 4.1.1 due to a missguarded patch. That will be fixed in an
> hour or two.
yes, i had noticed :)


> Cheers,
>                                 Nicolas
> --
> Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>http://Nicolas.Thiery.name/
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