Hi Florent, Robert,

On Mon, Oct 26, 2009 at 06:56:39PM +0100, Florent hivert wrote:
> I'm having trouble with coercion in sage 4.2...
> The following (reduced) example works with sage 4.1.2 and breaks with sage
> 4.2. Here is the error:
>       File "<doctest __main__.example_0[2]>", line 1, in <module>
>         bla = Essai(); bla###line 11:
>     sage: bla = Essai(); bla
>       File "/home/averell/.sage/tmp/wrapp.py", line 16, in __init__
>         mor.register_as_coercion()
>       File "morphism.pyx", line 116, in 
> sage.categories.morphism.Morphism.register_as_coercion 
> (sage/categories/morphism.c:2371)
>       File "parent.pyx", line 1018, in 
> sage.structure.parent.Parent.register_coercion (sage/structure/parent.c:8301)
>       File "parent.pyx", line 1043, in 
> sage.structure.parent.Parent.register_coercion (sage/structure/parent.c:8090)
>     AssertionError: coercions must all be registered up before use
> Any help or suggestion ?

A quick note: #5598 (allow post-creation (pre-use) declaration of
coercions) went in Sage in 4.2. Before that, we were using in
Sage-Combinat a pure Python version without sanity checks.

I haven't thought out your example. But we have similar issues in a
couple of our categories/examples. Now the question is: are the checks
in register_as_coercion too rigid for practical use cases? Or should
we be somehow more lazy in those use cases?


> from sage.structure.parent import Parent
> from sage.rings.integer_ring import IntegerRing
> from sage.categories.homset import Hom
> class Essai(Parent):
>     """
>     TESTS::
>         sage: bla = Essai(); bla
>       <class 'wrapp.Essai'>
>     """
>     def __init__(self):
>         Parent.__init__(self)
>         mor = Hom(self, IntegerRing())(lambda z: 1)
>         mor.register_as_coercion()
>                               Nicolas
Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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