On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 05:40:04PM -0700, John H Palmieri wrote:
> (I would raise an error unless each monomial has the same degree:
> degree for elements of a general graded algebra should only be defined
> for homogeneous elements.)

If the grading is over NN/ZZ, or some naturally ordered monoid, I
would definitely argue for keeping degree for all elements.

Otherwise, I am indeed fine with the following:

        assert self.is_homogeneous()
        return self.parent().degree_on_basis(self.leading_support())

which becomes constant time when assertion tests are turned off.

> >  - Could WeightedIntegerVectors(d, degrees) possibly replace
> >    basis_function(d, degrees)?
> More or less.  I think I'll redefine basis_function so that it returns
> WeightedIntegerVectors(d, degrees).list().

What's the rationale for forcing the list? This makes it expensive to
compute with elements of large degree (say, getting the homogeneous
component of x^100 in 5 variables of degree 1 requires listing 4598126

> I was actually doing it to force coercion of the coefficient into the
> base ring:
> sage: A = AlgebrasWithBasis(GF(2)).example()
> sage: A.from_base_ring(12)
> 12*B[word: ]
> sage: A.from_base_ring(12) == 0
> False
> That's a bug, too, I guess.

This one is by design. from_base_ring is responsible for implementing
the morphism from GF(2) to self. It's the job of coercion to build
from it the morphism from ZZ:

    sage: A = AlgebrasWithBasis(GF(2)).example()
    sage: A(12)
    sage: phi = A.coerce_map_from(ZZ)
    sage: phi(12)

Feel free to update the documentation if this was ambiguous.

> >  - self.term(tuple([a+b for a,b in zip(w1, w2)]))    ->
> >    self.monomial(tuple(a+b for a,b in zip(w1, w2)))
> >
> >    (in general, self.term -> self.monomial; see #7938)
> What about self.term(x, coeff)?  Is there a replacement for that?
> Should I use self._from_dict({x: coeff})?

Oops, no, self.term(x,coeff) is fine. I just meant self.term(12) ->
self.monomial(12). #7938 swapped the definitions of term and monomial
(we formerly used MuPAD's convention for polynomials with was reversed
with Sage's)

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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