Hi Jason,

Sara asked me today what the current functionalities of quasisymmetric
functions are in sage. Jason is working on this, right?

Yes.  Currently, in sage-combinat, one can convert back and forth
between the monomial and fundamental bases.  One can also convert a
symmetric function to quasisymmetric, and vice-versa (provided the qsym
function is symmetric, of course).  None of this is in sage, yet.

Great! Could you send me some sample code? One problem I currently
have with the sage-combinat queue is that then I cannot show any
poset pictures, but tomorrow I won't have to ..

I think a lisp compiler is available (this is how Maxima is compiled)
and I don't think it's sbcl.  But I don't know for sure.


Off to Microsoft now (I should not miss the bus),


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