
On Sat, Jan 01, 2011 at 05:31:13PM -0500, Sébastien Labbé wrote:
> > De Bruijn sequences are finite words. It would seem logical to include
> > De Bruijn sequences as finite words, since they do fit the definition.
> Amongst the method of the class WordGenerator, most return infinite
> words but some return finite words (like PalindromicDefectWord,
> RandomWord and fibonacci_tile).
> So if it is a finite word, then it could be represented as a python
> list, tuple, str, a function {0,1,2...n} -> or a finite iterator.

Thanks Sébastien for the feedback!

> > What is the reason for not including necklaces and Lyndon Words there,
> > for example? Are they not also words?

They point is that, for necklaces, Lyndon words, dyck words, and the
like, the main mathematical object is not a word, but a set of
words. And the main operations are to count them, to iterate through
them, etc. So everything revolves around the corresponding enumerated
sets of words: Necklaces([2,1,1]), DyckWords(n), ...

Granted, there is still some merging and cleanup to do. For example,
the elements of DyckWords(n) could possibly be returned as words, etc.

Comming back to DeBruijn sequences, I see two options:

 - Either we clearly foresee that people will eventually be interested
   in operations like counting or iterating through all DeBruijn
   sequences for a given alphabet/n. And then the entry point for the
   user shall be:

        sage: DeBruijnSequences(alphabet, n)
        The set all de Bruijn sequences over ...

   with a 's', even if for the moment an_element is the only
   implemented feature:

        sage: DeBruijnSequences(alphabet, n).an_element()
        [ .... ]

 - Or all we really care about is to construct one De Bruijn sequence
   for that alphabet and n, and then it should be:

        sage: words.DeBruijnSequence(alphabet,n)
        [ ... ]

An independent question is to decide whether the result shall be a
tuple, a word, or ... It is perfectly fine to leave this not specified
to leave our hands free for the future; e.g. just say that the result
is an iterable l which also supports random access (i.e. l[i]), and
possibly len(l).

I let you choose whatever feels more appropriate!

Nicolas M. Thiéry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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