
Gregg is planning to use our cluster package for a summer school at
the MSRI in August (
summer-graduate-workshops/show/-/event/Wm550). We were just discussing
how to use Sage + the necessary parts of the combinat queue with 20
people without spending too much time installing it.

One "solution'' we came up with was:

1. Downloading and running a compiled version of Sage
2. Downloading a prepared python file containing everything needed and
attach it within the session

To me, this doesn't seem to me like a proper solution - any better

Remark: running "> sage -combinat install"

- tends to cause problems the first time, especially on mac machines
- takes forever, even if everything works
- if the queue is broken that morning, they are skrewed

Another solution would be to provide a working copy on a server, plus
an ssh connection for everyone, or anything in this direction.

Further suggestions? What is your experience with that?

Thx, Christian

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