
Actually, I think the easiest to install gap3 for Sage is using

sage -f http://sage.math.washington.edu/home/nthiery/gap3-jm2.spkg



On 3/15/12 10:59 AM, Christian Stump wrote:
> Dear Marc,
>> /coxeter_group.py", line 256, in CoxeterGroup
>>        assert is_chevie_available()
> To use the coxeter groups implementation, you must have gap3 installed
> (i.e., typing "gap3" in the command line starts gap3), and the chevie
> package available (i.e., typing RequirePackage("chevie") within gap3
> should work). The easiest to obtain that is to download Jean Michel's
> version of gap3 with chevie preinstalled, which you can download at
> http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~jmichel/gap3/gap3-jm4.tar.gz (Thanks to
> Jean for providing it!).
>>From http://www.math.jussieu.fr/~jmichel/gap3/:
> "
> The installation instructions are as follows: unpack somewhere the
> file, it will make a gap3-jm4 directory. Then, in gap3-jm4/bin edit
> gap.sh (on Linux or Mac-OSX) or gap.bat or gap.cmd (on dos/windows) so
> that the variable GAP_DIR refers to the right directory and GAP_PRG to
> the right executable, and put gap.sh (renamed gap3) or gap.bat
> someplace on your path.
> "
> You should then be set to play with CoxeterGroups in Sage. Please be
> aware that I am constantly (sometimes more sometimes less) working on
> the implementation, so it is not yet completely stable and things
> might change. Please send feedback when you encounter bugs or missing
> features (of course, there is a lot missing still!).
> Let me know if you don't get gap3 running, or if you have other issues!
> Christian

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