On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 07:52:00AM +0200, Christian Stump wrote:
> Hugh and I are currently finalizing the QuiverMutationType and have
> the following problem: the file is organized similarly to CartanType,
> so we have a factory delegating the work to reducible or irreducible
> classes, or giving samples. In CartanType, we have a long docstring

(just to be precise: in cartan_type.py, not in CartanType)

> for the file and a shorter for the call method saying in the end "SEE
> ALSO: func:`~sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type.CartanType`".
> But when I do
> sage: sage.combinat.root_system.cartan_type.CartanType?
> I get back exactly this docstring.

This "see also" is meant for someone looking up directly the
documentation of the __call__ method, say with:

    sage: CartanType.__call__?

It just turns out that, for good or bad, the docstring of
CartanType.__call__ is appended by the documentation system upon
CartanType?, so that CartanType? *seemingly* refers to itself.

> 1. In which case do I actually see the docstring for the file itself?


> 2. Is it a bug that the CartanTypeFactory.call docstring is short


> and is again obtained when looking at the "see also" of itself?

In that case, it's a questionable feature of the doc system, but we
should not try to work around it.

> 3. What would be a proper way of organizing the documentation here?

It's not perfect as is, but that's ok. The only thing I am not so
happy with is that CartanType and CartanType_abstract are not merged
together, but that's because we want CartanType to also play the role
of a module for e.g. CartanType.sample().

By the way, note that, with the trick `CartanType.__doc__ = __doc__`,
there is no documentation duplication.

Nicolas M. ThiƩry "Isil" <nthi...@users.sf.net>

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